Energising Young Minds with Quality Education

Energising Young Minds with Quality Education

At Red Rocket, our commitment extends beyond delivering value through renewable energy projects; we are equally dedicated to driving positive change through our community development initiatives. Together with our partners, one of our key priorities is supporting quality education for children, ensuring that we play a role in shaping the future leaders of the areas in which we operate.

Wind Academy and Roggeveld Wind Power are revolutionising education with an impactful collaboration in the communities surrounding Roggeveld Wind Farm. They have launched a transformative two-year e-learning initiative aimed at improving education for grades 1 to 3 at the Roggeveld, Acacia, Maatjiesfontein, and Baartmansfontein primary schools. This partnership seeks to address the dire state of South Africa’s education system, where 81% of Grade 4 learners struggle to read for basic meaning, and access to digital skills and quality educational resources remain scarce.

At the heart of this initiative is Wind Academy’s comprehensive e-learning suite, designed to equip learners and teachers with the tools needed to thrive in a modern academic setting. This suite includes:

• Numeracy and Literacy Development Programme
With our trusted partner, Wind Academy introduced mobile iPad labs with applications aligned with the South African CAPS Curriculum. These labs bring technology-led education to schools in underserved communities, improving academic performance, digital literacy, and future opportunities for learners.
The programme is designed to help students grasp essential numeracy and literacy skills while becoming proficient in digital technologies.

• Future Skills Teacher Development Programme
The Future Skills Platform offers teachers an incentivised learning journey, providing access to essential personal and professional development and support. This approach ensures that educators are equipped to deliver high-quality instruction and prepare their learners for a rapidly evolving world.

• The Young Green Ambassador Programme
A flagship initiative that empowers both learners and teachers to understand renewable energy, sustainability, and environmental stewardship. This unique programme integrates sustainability awareness into education, preparing learners for the future while fostering a culture of environmental responsibility – essentially nurturing a generation of environmentally conscious citizens.

Chantel Reynell, Managed Solutions Programme Director at Wind Academy, said: “Attending the Handover Ceremonies and seeing learners eagerly embrace iPads was a profound experience. This programme has transformed not only literacy and numeracy outcomes, but also attendance, attitudes, and enthusiasm for learning. Teachers and principals are deeply grateful, and Wind Academy is committed to expanding this initiative, aiming for one iPad per learner and equipping teachers with their own devices. Thanks to Roggeveld Wind Power, we are setting the gold standard in e-learning, fostering both academic excellence and environmental responsibility.”

This programme is more than just an educational initiative, it is a catalyst for positive change by empowering future generations with knowledge and skills to embrace sustainability. Currently, this initiative is impacting 749 learners and 30 teachers in the targeted communities, and in the first six months of the programme, average improvements of 10% and 13% were observed in the learners’ numeracy and literacy skills respectively.

Wind Academy and Roggeveld Wind Power are creating lasting impact through education, sustainability, and digital innovation, empowering future generations to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

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