Audrey Snyders, Lindie Share, and Verneth Marthinus show what it means to be women driving progress at our sites.

Audrey Snyders
Community Liaison Officer
For Audrey Snyders, pursuing a career in renewable energy was a journey driven by the determination to make a tangible difference for the environment, and playing her part in leaving behind a healthy world for generations to come.
Having been captivated by the groundbreaking developments while construction at our Roggeveld Wind Farm was underway, it all made sense for the determined Community Liaison Officer.
“I found it interesting and did some research on renewable energy, and what attracted me to it was the fact that I want to live in a green, harmonious and sustainable environment, and be surrounded by nature,” she said.
The impact of her work on people’s lives is one that she doesn’t take for granted as she aims to always “put smiles on people’s faces”.
“It’s seeing that satisfaction in their eyes and the gratitude even when you are doing something small. In a small town like ours, there are a lot of struggles so when you help a person, they really do appreciate it.”
With our communities forming a significant part of our projects, having a positive impact on the people she works with gives her the motivation to do more for the communities. This comes with the nature of her role and having to interact with people from all walks of life.
“Since I started working as a CLO, I have also developed a lot of relationships and got to meet a lot of influential people who have made a positive impact on my life. I also learnt and grew a lot because with each initiative that you do, you always learn from other people. You get to change the lives of many people.”
To Audrey, women have a variety of ways in which they can contribute to the success of renewable energy projects and “do not necessarily have to build, operate or maintain renewable energy installations”. She added that an important part of women’s contributions can be in determining the benefits of renewable energy projects and managing these arrangements to uplift communities.
Audrey wants to remind women and young girls that there is more to renewable energy, and that it is not only a man’s job, as it is often perceived. In spreading the message, she believes that planting the seed early on is key, which can be possible through education and other initiatives aimed at inspiring young minds.
“Women can have a future in renewable energy. There are many professional services and development opportunities in the sector. Renewable energy is not just about construction of solar or wind farms,” she said.

Lindie Share
Health & Safety Officer
A life-changing phone call was what it took for Lindie Share to pivot to the impactful realm of renewable energy, which she saw as a growing and impressive industry to be a part of. With her electrical career having begun in the 1990s, she has always been a trailblazer in her field.
“My electrical experience started in 1990, becoming the first female apprentice in armature winding and transformer repairs in South Africa in early 1992. I qualified for my Olifantsfontein Trade Test, and it was hard work from day one,” she said.
To her, this transformation came with the excitement at the opportunity to learn and grow in a new environment. As a Health & Safety Officer at Red Rocket, Lindie notes the support structure of our organisation as one of her top highlights as she gets to work with a team of dedicated people.
Being in the renewable energy industry means she gets to use her knowledge for the good of the environment and to benefit others. “I want to improve and extend my knowledge in the electrical field for a better tomorrow and for greater development to assist and support our sustainability practices,” she said.
Lindie believes that the key to women thriving in the energy sector lies in support and constant learning in order to continuously grow in the industry.
“As an Electrical Engineer working alongside my fellow ladies, we need to stand up and stand strong. It’s not always easy, but it is important for women to believe in themselves. Always stand your ground on what is right and wrong, and never give up.”
Her hopes for women in renewable energy is that they take opportunities with both hands and never give up on their goals. “You can master anything you put your mind to it. Hard work always pays off alas long as you dream big.”

Verneth Marthinus
Project Site Coordinator
While some people might struggle to find their purpose, the journey for Verneth Marthinus has been a special one as she describes her career as a calling. “I was born in safety boots,” she quipped.
Having worn different hats in the construction industry, mainly on wind farms, she has come to see each of her roles as exciting challenges.
As a Project Site Coordinator at Red Rocket, the camaraderie that develops between teams who all work together towards a common goal is one that she treasures about being on site.
“It is a blessing to be working with my site team in such a loving and understandable way,” she said, adding that the experience of being in meetings and dealing with people who are familiar with each other is a major plus.
As a woman contributing to the groundbreaking work at our Rietkloof Wind Farm site, her role comes with a great deal of learning and the opportunity of experiencing and overcoming daily challenges.
“It’s all about knowing exactly how turbines get installed, how roads are built, how buildings get to stand, and how pipelines are laid out to supply water and for drainage.”
Her observation of women in the industry is one of determined industry players who always do their part to make a difference.
“As a woman, it is interesting and inspiring to see how strong and extremely well women can manage to drive transformation in renewable energy in today’s world. Women empowerment is growing each day and it is indeed the golden ticket towards realising even more successes in renewable energy.”
In the current landscape where the odds can be stacked up against women, her words of encouragement for them are “to go for what they want”.
“Stay focused, strong, and dedicated to your goals. You need to be confident, hard-working, and have the ability to deal with challenges. Positivity should be permanently in mind, and you have to strive to be successful in every task you are given.”