If you were to ask Karin De Wet for the key to cultivating a vibrant company culture, she would say that it starts by working and leading from the heart. I can proudly attest that as a result, Red Rocket has gone from strength to strength because of people like her, whose hearts and minds are in the right place, building a world-class organisation in the renewable energy space.
Looking back on this incredible journey is impossible without Karin’s shining contribution through the years. While the past year has been a year of great achievement and growth for the organisation, it was one of deep reflection for our Head of Human Capital and Change Management, who celebrated a decade of caring, creating, and collaborating. Her snapshots of our company from the past decade are filled with many moments of transformation, where our company saw massive evolution not only in size, but in the innovative systems and processes that have supported this growth.
“What makes me proud about this journey is the incredible organisation that we are today. It has been both wild and amazing looking at how far we’ve come,” she said. While looking through pictures of our previous office spaces, and from when she began as employee No 18, one big leap is the size of the company then versus now – with an inspiring headcount of more than 170 Rocketeers.
“It definitely got better and better. I remember thinking that the office move from Cape Quarter to Pier Place was groundbreaking, but moving to the office here at the Cape Town Cruise Terminal is even more impressive. The arrival of Roxy (our mannequin) was another memorable moment in our history.”

As CEO, I have always seen the value and contribution of each team member in realising organisational success. We’re like a competitive rugby squad that champions support, collaboration and embodies a “ride-or-die” mentality that communicates that we are nothing without our people.
This legacy of developing people has led to initiatives aimed at ensuring that Rocketeers are empowered to reach their full potential. As a key member of our leadership team, Karin always takes this unique human approach further.
In Karin’s words, “Our brand has come a long way, showcases who we are, and is recognised by a lot of people in the industry.” This is in great part thanks to her dedication and exemplary leadership of our Human Capital team.
With 2025 in full swing, and pondering on the unexpected heights that the Red Rocket brand has realised, I find myself in agreement with her description of this journey as a “wild ride that no one could have imagined would bring us where we are”. Here’s to the next 10 years and an even wilder journey ahead.